Hello All. I hope you’re arriving at this blog safe and well, and I’d like to just congratulate each and every one of us for successfully making it to March! Woohoo! Spriiiing is aaa-comin’!
It amazes me how fast this winter seems to be disappearing, the birds are tweeting, the flowers are doing their flowery thing, and that light at the end of the COVID tunnel also seems to be getting significantly brighter.
So first off, I’d like to address the small and furry elephant in the room. You may have noticed a recent post of my Instagram re. Merlin.
As a fledgling business trying very hard to get up and fly during a global pandemic, cash flow hasn’t been quite where I’d like it to be, and unfortunately, as a result of this, I had to make a really hard decision last month. Sadly I had to send little Merlin (who was on loan) back to his original home. He left this weekend, and honestly, I haven’t had the heart to be able to write about it just yet.
The decision was by no means an easy one, I’ve had to battle with a lot of feelings of guilt, shame, disappointment, and sadness. I felt like I was giving up on Merlin, and giving up on my ‘dream’ of having my own liberty team.
With that being said, I know in my heart it is the right thing to do for now. I know I will be in a position to realise my dreams in the future, and I know things WILL get better. It obviously was just not all mean to be right now! Merlin is a super, smart, little pony who will go on to be happy wherever his fluffy little legs carry him. I’m proud of his progress and the training he’s received, and I know he’ll be safe and happy back home. ❤️
So what now? Well, I’m keeping hold of Snoox, and a silver lining is that it now I have much more time to spend on him and his training, which is brilliant because we have rather a lot to achieve together! We’re competing in an International Liberty Horse Association competition at the end of the month, so I better get cracking! I’m also currently working towards my Bareback and Bridle-less judges certification with the ILHA, having received my Level 1 & 2 Judges card last month, and I’m excited to be able to judge online shows from April onwards.
Virtual lessons have been a great way to stay connected to the coaching world during lockdown, and I’ve loved helping all my clients and watching them grow. I’ve also been working on a secret project that has been rather a labour of love, more news on that soon…I cannot blooming wait to share it when it’s finished…!
All being well with lockdown starting to ease, April is also shaping up to look like a very busy month, with lesson days now starting to be booked in and various clinics and workshops planned for April, and the months to follow. I CANNOT WAIT to get out teaching again, it feels like it’s been a lifetime and I’m so ready to get out helping people and sharing some horsey love again.
So that’s all for now, I’ll be advertising clinics and workshops as we approach them, but otherwise more info, as usual, can be found on the website!
Lots of March love to you all, and I can’t wait to see some of you IRL very soon!
Over and Out!
Kim 😊
Awesome blog as always Kim, I know you are hurting a little over Merlin but just keep looking forward and it will all work out okay.